Salon Seed

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A Little Story About My Journey

My heart and soul has gone into the making of this space and I seek to always maintain that integrity with every step I make.  I want to tell you a little about me and my path to opening my own salon and where I am wanting to take it. Hang in there, it's kinda long.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have become a hairdresser. Sure, in high school I would cut and color my own hair all kinds of ways and crazy colors, but it just never crossed my mind.  I remember a friend saying I would have my own salon one day and I told her she was crazy! Hair? Me?  I thought maybe makeup, but other peoples hair, no way! Lol! Growing up I thought I wanted to be a teacher, but come time graduation I knew traditional school was not for me. So did my mom. So, she asked me a question that changed my life forever, and I use it now when I have clients who seem to need help with their life direction.  She said, “What would you do for rest of your life for free?” “What?” I asked.  She said, “Yeah, think of something you like to do and lets figure out how you can make money doing it.”  So, my 18 year old brain, real confused took a second, and then I said, “ Well, I guess I like to do makeup!” “Great!” She said. “Let’s find you a makeup school and you’ll do makeup. People need makeup all the time! Weddings, parties, celebrities.” So, we found a cosmetology school and enrolled. Little did I know that the main focus would be hair and that it would come pretty naturally to me.  So, I was armed with knowledge and ready to take on the world! Or so I thought!

Once it came time to work I could not find the right salon that I felt would nurture my craft and teach me the skills to be the best hairdresser I could be.  I moved a lot too which didn't help but after 3 cities, and 3 salons, I was starting to give up hope. Enter MAC Cosmetics. I found out there was one in my hometown, so I gave it a shot. I got the job even though I had never used a makeup brush in my life! I always just used my fingers. So, after working there for about 9 months I met my now hubby and moved up to Houston to get married.  Once here I didn’t feel comfortable at the Mac counters I visited so I didn't apply, and instead sought out salons again to see if I could find the right one. 

Now, I don’t believe that I was asking for too much. A positive environment, a consistent education program, amazing products, growing opportunities, well managed, seems basic to me. It was so hard to find.  I worked at one salon for about 9 months when someone told me about the MAC store in a cute Houston area called Rice Village, some of y’all have heard of it. So, I applied and got the job and stayed there for about 4 years. I worked hard and got myself moved up to full time and got transferred to Sugar Land, a suburb of Houston, to help open up a brand new MAC location.  In that position I was given tasks that were more on the business side of the company, and that was draining me. I was an artist, after all, and doing numbers and business goals and plans was not my forte’. Around that time I was introduced to a really great salon there in Sugar Land that seemed really promising.  I interviewed and ended up getting hired on as an apprentice because I hadn’t done hair professionally for almost 5 years at that point, and like I said I never found that salon that would nurture and strengthen my craft. This was it! I was in, and I learned and loved it! It was a thriving and positive environment and I was surrounded by people who were passionate about this industry.  Score! After working there for 8 years I attended a beauty industry business seminar that gave me the skills to work smarter and not harder and I was able to make a really comfortable living. Soon after my husband and I purchased our very first home even more south of Houston in Rosenberg, TX, so, I started to look for something closer to home so I could spend more time with my two kids and less time commuting.

This began the adventure to start all over again! I knew that I didn’t want to work for anyone else, so I prepared myself to open my own salon.  I attended a salon owners seminar and decided I was ready. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever want to be involved with managing a business, but somehow , it being my direct business it's kinda fun! I found my cute little space near the sweet and quaint historic town of Richmond, TX.  Here I hope to grow Salon Seed to be the kind of place that I so longed for when I first started. A place where technique is refined, creativity is nurtured, and good vibes are a must! Every product has been hand selected by me, after doing research on the businesses and their values. I proudly carry most of the Davines range of styling products and slowly building to have every single offering. I use Davines color products exclusively for their commitment to help keep the hair’s integrity and vibrancy.  The health of my clients, myself and my future staff is important to me so I just recently I became a doTERRA wellness advocate, which means I use essential oils throughout the salon in various ways depending on the physical or emotional needs of the people receiving services that day.

So, that has been my journey to now! I am full of inspiration and passion to continue to pursue my dreams and welcome into my life the things I never thought possible for myself.  I read a quote once that said “bloom where you are planted”  and I believe that.  The grass is not greener on the other side, the grass you tend to and water and give love to will be the greenest grass you’ve ever seen. Don’t dismiss something simply because you never imagined yourself doing it before.  There are things in life that are inexplicable and you have to just give it your all, learn the life lessons, and enjoy the ride. My biggest mission in life has always been to help others smile and be happy. Not only do I get to do this on an external level but I try my best to plant the right seeds in my clients hearts to help them live a more fulfilling life. Because that's what it’s all about.  I aim to find other people just as passionate about their craft and professionalism and that care about helping others like I do so that Salon Seed continues to be the destination for a new kind beauty treatment, an inner beauty treatment. Self-love, confidence, gratitude, adventure, wellness, and so much more are the topics of conversation here. We love to talk about our families, and new experiences, and things we’d like to try. I look forward to always providing the best of myself and training future professionals to do the same.