Breaking Through Barriers with New Offerings


Well, hello again, I hope you have had a safe and sane last few months to a year. It’s been a wild ride to say the least, as I am sure you have experienced as well. I am so grateful for your support during these trying times and I now want to extend to you some of the things I have been working on in the background of this pandemic. During the time when salons were asked to close, I was given an incredible gift that I don’t normally get to take advantage of…time. Suddenly, I had time to enjoy my kids, to play my guitar, to read a book, to meditate and do yoga, ride my bike and all sorts of things. I recognize that not everyone was able to enjoy what was happening, but I just stepped outside of my worries and made the best of a shitty situation. I had to keep my sanity somehow to be able to handle helping my kids with their virtual classes. Not to mention I was proactive and took out one of the small business loans to get me through the weeks where I couldn’t work so I am grateful that I had that option.


In that time I was also given the space to be introspective about my life and the direction in which I want to pursue my career. Now, I love what I do and I do it with all my heart, but hair and makeup is very superficial and if you’ve ever received a service from me you know that it’s not like a typical salon visit. There’s always a little bit more attention to who you are as a person and how you’re feeling, with good conversation coupled with a relaxing and welcoming environment and you leave feeling renewed and refreshed and ready to take on whatever shows up on your path. Well, I have decided to finally take the leap and incorporate and offer a whole new line-up of services and offerings that will provide a more internal experience to your wellness and whole-ness. These treatments have helped me break through my own personal barriers and I want to share that with others.


Before I move on, I want to share that I am an intuitive energy worker. Wow, it feels good to say that to the world. What’s does that mean? Well, it means simply that I have the gift of knowing when someone might need cheering up, or a safe place to express their emotions, and needing a space to just be, or guidance on a particular aspect of their life. I have over the years in my own personal growth journey discovered tools and modalities that help support myself and my loved ones with their needs and I want to now extend these offerings officially to anyone who needs them. The new services are focused on energy balancing through different modalities such as reiki, chakra balancing, aromatherapy, and head, scalp, and shoulder massages. For those of you unfamiliar with some of these services I will break them down as best as I can, and we can always have a consultation to decide what would be a good place to start.



Reiki is an energy balancing treatment where the practitioner places their hands over certain areas of the body in order to help promote health and wellness both physically and spiritually. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy. ( Although it is a beautiful support for your spiritual practice there is no dogma associated with it and you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to reap the benefits of this amazing treatment. The treatment itself typically feels like a warm glow and flows through your body and goes wherever it is needed. Many people experience some pretty miraculous shifts after receiving their first treatment.


Chakra Balancing

Chakra’s are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to to the immune system and emotions. ( When one or more of them are off balance or blocked it leads to potential suffering in our emotional and/or physical bodies. Through breathing techniques, meditation, prayer, and movement one can tune in and unblock these energy centers to forma more radiant and balanced life. I will guide you using cards and crystals to find out which chakras you might need to focus on and we will discuss the steps to take in order to release these blockages.



Aromatherapy is using pure plant extracts, called essential oils, to help promote health and wellness by using the medicinal properties of the plants. Essential oils can be used Aromatically, topically or internally depending on the plant and the intended treatment. I have been using oils for the last few years to support my own and my kids mental and emotional wellness in an array of different ways. From blends that help me focus (hello adult ADD), to my kiddos asking me for blends to help them go to sleep at night, there is an oil for almost any ailment you might have. To start gaining info feel free to visit my DoTerra site HERE.


Extended Scalp Massage

Lastly, I will be adding a more in depth massage option which includes scalp, neck, and shoulders. The benefits of these massages include, increased blood flow and circulation, which can boost hair growth, decrease stress, boosts mood and relaxation and so much more!

All of these offerings can be added in small introductory ways to your usual services or can be booked as a stand alone service with a sole focus on your holistic health and wellbeing which will help ease and open your energy flow and obtain a more balanced outlook on life and feel healthier and renewed.

I am so exited to share these tools with you and look forward to talking about all of this in person the next time you’re at the salon or feel free to call or text and we can discuss in more detail which services are right for you.